segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2007


Beetlejuice is the epitome of antiheroism. He's a snake-in-the-grass, a real stinker, a professional liar, and he cheats at anything and everything. He'd send his own grandmother to NeitherNeitherLand if there was a cash reward involved. But we love him anyways. Let's face it: Beetlejuice is cool. His clothes beat out any other outfit I've ever seen on any other cartoon, and he was wearing his hair long way before that was the cool thing for guy 'toons to do. He's as (if not more) powerful than a certain Semi-Phenomonal, Nearly-Cosmic Being, and he was saying "Show me the money!" long before that guy in that one movie was. And--I'll say it--he's not bad-looking, for a corpse.

Beetlejuice - The main character of the show. Name is derived from the Latin word "Betelgeuse", which is a transliteration of the Arabic ابط Bait al-Jauza, meaning "armpit" (an extremely appropriate turn of phrase, given that one of his favorite pastimes is making farting noises with his armpit). For unexplained reasons, Beetlejuice is virtually the most powerful denizen of the Neitherworld, using strange magical powers called "Beetlejuicing". He is able to change shape, transform objects, teleport, and perform other feats of magic, although his powers can be reduced by various circumstances and at times he must pause to think of exactly how to use his powers to escape a precarious situation unscathed (since Beetlejuice's enemies are almost invariably more intelligent than himself).
Whenever he uses a figure of speech, he or his surroundings change to act on the pun (e.g. when he declares he is tired, he transforms into a tire; when he declares he is trying to make a point, he transforms into a needle; on one occasion, in reference to his own power, he declares "This literal translation stuff slays me!" and giant letters reading "Literal Translation Stuff" fall from the sky to crush him). It is Beetlejuice's power that affords him the (admittedly mostly self-declared) title of "The Ghost With The Most." Because of Beetlejuice's power, almost everyone in the Neitherworld is fair game for his pranks, but no more so than himself, since even he is not immune to careless use of his power; in a notorious example of this, he was tricked by his enemies into declaring "I'm coming apart at the seams!" which caused him to break into several pieces, with which his enemies then absconded, rendering him nearly helpless until, with Lydia's help, he reassembled himself. One notable limit to Beetlejuice's abilities is that his body must be fully assembled to work his magic; for example, when his head was taken away by a tribe of island ghosts to be eaten, it was helpless to fight back without the rest of his body. At the same time, various body parts (including his feet and his entire torso) occasionally developed minds of their own, independent of Beetlejuice's control. His fears (sandworms, cleanliness) can also hinder his abilities.

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